The InterTrauma crest is a visual representation of the core values of the company

The shape is customary of a coat of arms, and is the shape of the shields from which crests are derived.

The red and white is a reference to the Barber Pole of the original Barber Surgeons of England, which is said to represent  blood and bandages. Since Surgery was derived from the apprenticeship-based Barber Profession, rather the academic approach of Medicine, Surgeons in England are referred to as “Mister”, rather than “Doctor”.

There are 3 symbols on the crest. The most important one is the Martlet, a mythical bird with no feet, which can never land, representing the constant quest for adventure and knowledge. The Martlet is also a fitting symbol since InterTrauma practitioners are always on the move, and don’t sit still for very long.

The Cross of Malta is in the middle, and represents the Hospital Knights of Malta, formally the Knights of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, who protected and cared for Pilgrims in route to the Holy Land starting in 1080AD. Interestingly, the group remains as a charitable organization proving disaster relief to this day. The combination of a warrior that also practices Medicine is in line with how our practitioners are willing to go anywhere and do anything that is needed.

On the bottom is the Clarion, a Medieval Trumpet used to organize soldiers or rebel. It is germane for InterTrauma since we organize adventurous individuals to go on exciting assignments.


The Martlet (2019)

This is The Marlet, a 5’x7’ oil painting on display at the InterTrauma New York City bureau. It was created by Salvador Perdomo in 2019. The full history of this unique work can be found here.